Combination Systems

Advanced Nanobubble Systems with Automated Gas Production

Global Cavitation’s Combination Systems are the culmination of cutting-edge nanobubble gas infusion technology paired with gas production. These systems are designed to operate with minimal user input at the water storage and delivery line.

How it works

These systems utilise Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolysis to produce Oxygen and Hydrogen gas from pure distilled water for use in greenhouses, farm irrigation systems, aquaculture, and more. Supplementation of these gasses improves the health and productivity of plants and fish, making a dedicated gas delivery system desirable for these industries. Both singular Oxygen or Hydrogen as well as combined Hydroxygen generators are available on request.

Application Settings

Our nanobubble technology is applicable across a variety of industries.

Sizing & Specifications

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No matter your requirements, we are able to adjust and deliver a product that fits the needs of your facility.
Simply contact us and we’ll work on delivering what you require.

Product list

We have a G-CAV for most situations and industry sectors.