The Best
Nanobubble Technology
in the World.

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G-CAV Series

The G-CAV is unique for its patented multi-chamber, flow-through design with no moving parts. Scalable and easy to install, the G-CAV Series excels at what it needs to, whether it’s homogenizing liquids, infusing gases in nanobubble form, or treating wastewater. Minimum maintenance or installation is required to implement a G-CAV into your system with its design that allows for easy retrofitting into an existing pipeline.


There is a G-CAV model manufactured for almost any operation size. No matter your needs, the G-CAV can be retrofitted into existing infrastructure.


The revolutionary multi-chamber design of the G-CAV allows it to create nano-sized bubbles in a single pass.


Maintenance is minimal with a flow-through design that virtually eliminates blockage potential. No moving parts ensures both simplicity and reliability.


Zero power requirements allow you to improve your operations without increasing power consumption and associated costs.

Instantly Infused

Our speciality is the ability to instantly infuse gas into water at scale.

Water from a source is sent through the G-CAV hydrodynamic cavitation device via a pump. A gas (Oxygen, Hydrogen, etc.) is then added. The mixture of water and gas is instantly infused as it passes through the cavitation device where nanobubbles are created and then distributed to where required.

Immense Global Potential

  • Groundbreaking new technology coupled to existing technology and infrastructure
  • Simple to install and run
  • Addressing many globally significant challenges
  • Completely scalable
  • Highly valuable across multiple industries
  • Environmentally beneficial
  • Can run from green energy sources

What Are Nanobubbles?

Nanobubbles are minuscule gas-filled spheres present in a liquid medium. Their size usually ranges from 50 to 500 nanometers in diameter, making them about 1000 smaller than the width of a human hair and about 2,500 times smaller than a single grain of salt. Nanobubbles are invisible to the naked eye.


Normal size


1mm – 1um
Small but visible


Invisible to the naked eye

Our Nanobubble Technology

A laser is shown in this image for reference as you cannot otherwise see nanobubbles with the naked eye. The nanobubbles reflect the light of the laser and make it possible to see that they are there.


Nanobubble Properties

Our technology is shown to easily reach 200% saturation of dissolved oxygen from 50% in a single pass (refer to graph). This is possible due to the efficiency of infusion we achieve in the <10nm range.

  • Nanobubbles have an incredibly high gas transfer potential due to their size & increased surface area.
  • They do not rise to the surface the way macro and microbubbles do, and evenly spread themselves.
  • A “reserve” of nanobubbles is created when no more oxygen can dissolve into the water. This reserve makes DO levels more stable and allows for longer periods between infusion.

Industry Applications

The potential for the G-CAV in various industries is endless. Its unique capabilities make it an ideal solution for a wide range of applications, including mixing and clarification of beverages, aeration of aquaculture systems, hydroxygen infusion into agriculture and watering systems, refining of biofuels, and more. We are committed to providing our partners with personalized solutions that are tailored to meet their specific needs and help them stay ahead of the competition. With the G-CAV, you can be sure that you are investing in a product from a nanobubble technology manufacturer  that will help you achieve your goals and drive your business forward.


Improve livestock health, increase crop quality and efficiently homogenize dairy.


Increase aeration and oxygenation efficiency and reduce mortality rate.


Boost plant health and disease resistance in gardens, greenhouses and nurseries.


Improve gas absorption rate through root systems and increase nutrient uptake.


Improve water quality for waste water.

Lakes, Rivers and Reservoirs

Oil & Gas

Transforming oil and gas operations with Nanobubbles

Specialist Services

Advanced Applications of Specialist Services


Increase dissolved oxygen levels and improve overall fish and plant health.


Deliver and mix the perfect beer, wine, or liquour with greater efficiency and speed.


What is a nanobubble?

A nanobubble is an ultra-fine bubble, typically less than 200 nanometres in diameter, that remains suspended in liquid due to its extremely small size. Unlike larger bubbles, nanobubbles have unique properties, including a high surface area-to-volume ratio, stability, and the ability to stay in liquid for an extended period. They are used in various applications, from water treatment to enhancing industrial processes.

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What is a nanobubble used for?
Nanobubbles are used in a wide range of applications due to their unique properties. In water treatment, they are employed to improve water quality; in agriculture, they enhance plant growth; and in aquaculture, they increase oxygen levels in water. Nanobubbles are also utilised in various industrial processes, such as oil and gas production, improving concrete strength, reducing CO2 emissions, and enhancing the efficiency of cooling towers.

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Why are nanobubbles negatively charged?
Nanobubbles are generally negatively charged because of the adsorption of ions from the surrounding liquid onto their surface. This charge helps stabilise the bubbles by preventing them from coalescing or merging with other bubbles, allowing them to stay in suspension for longer periods. The negative charge also contributes to their unique interactions with contaminants in water, making them effective in water purification processes.

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What problems do nanobubbles solve?

Nanobubbles solve several problems across different industries. They enhance oxygen delivery in water, making them valuable for aquaculture and agriculture. In water treatment, they help remove contaminants and improve water quality. Nanobubbles also improve cleaning efficiency in industrial processes and can be used in various applications, including oil and gas production, concrete strength improvement, CO2 reduction, and cooling tower efficiency. Their ability to remain stable in liquids for long periods makes them effective in applications where sustained action is required.

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How long do nanobubbles last?

Nanobubbles can last for days, or weeks, in a liquid, depending on the environmental conditions and the medium they are in. Their small size and the negative charge on their surface help them resist coalescence, allowing them to remain suspended in liquids for much longer than larger bubbles.

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How are nanobubbles formed?
Nanobubbles are formed through various methods, including the rapid mixing of gas into a liquid, electrolysis, or using specialised nanobubble generators. One advanced method is through hydrodynamic cavitation, where gas is introduced into a liquid under high pressure and then rapidly released, creating nanobubbles. Our multi-chamber hydrodynamic cavitation device, the G-CAV, is designed to revolutionise gas infusion processes across various industries. The G-CAV ensures efficient and consistent formation of nanobubbles, making it ideal for applications ranging from water treatment to industrial processes.

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How do nanobubbles improve water quality?

Nanobubbles improve water quality by enhancing the oxygenation of water, which supports the breakdown of organic matter and promotes the growth of beneficial aerobic bacteria. They also assist in the removal of contaminants like heavy metals, oils, and other pollutants by increasing the efficiency of oxidation processes. Nanobubbles can also help reduce biofilm and algae growth, leading to cleaner and healthier water.

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What is the difference between nanobubbles and microbubbles?

The primary difference between nanobubbles and microbubbles is their size. Nanobubbles are typically less than 200 nanometres in diameter, while microbubbles are larger, usually ranging from 1 to 100 micrometres. Nanobubbles have a longer lifespan and greater stability in liquid due to their small size and negative charge, while microbubbles rise to the surface more quickly and burst.

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What industries can benefit from nanobubble technology?
Nanobubble technology benefits a wide range of industries, including agriculture, aquaculture, wastewater treatment, food and beverage processing, oil and gas production, concrete improvement, CO2 reduction, cooling towers, and industrial cleaning. Each of these industries can leverage nanobubbles for applications like water treatment, enhanced oxygenation, cleaning efficiency, and improved process outcomes.
Find out more about the benefits for each industry:
– Agriculture
– Aquaculture
– Horticulture
– Hydroponics
– Wastewater
– Lakes, Rivers and Reservoirs
– Oil & Gas
– Concrete & COâ‚‚
– Cooling Towers
– Aquaculture
Can nanobubbles be used in wastewater treatment?
Yes, nanobubbles are highly effective in wastewater treatment. They help in breaking down organic pollutants, enhancing biological treatment processes, and reducing sludge formation. The high surface area of nanobubbles allows for more efficient gas transfer, making them ideal for aerating wastewater and improving the overall treatment process. Find out more about the benefits for wastewater treatment.
Nanobubble for Wastewater
Can nanobubbles be used in aquaculture?
Yes, nanobubbles are highly beneficial in aquaculture. They enhance water quality by increasing dissolved oxygen levels, which is crucial for the health and growth of aquatic organisms. Nanobubbles can also help reduce harmful ammonia and nitrite levels, leading to a more stable and healthier environment for fish and other aquatic species.
Nanobubble for Aquaculture
How do nanobubbles enhance oxygen transfer in water?

Nanobubbles enhance oxygen transfer by providing a large surface area relative to their volume, allowing for more efficient oxygen dissolution in water. Their small size enables them to stay suspended in water longer, maximising the contact time with the surrounding liquid and ensuring better oxygen distribution throughout the water column.

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How do nanobubbles affect the growth of plants?
Nanobubbles positively affect plant growth by increasing the oxygen levels in the water used for irrigation. This enhanced oxygenation supports better root respiration, leading to more robust root systems and increased nutrient absorption. As a result, plants grow faster, healthier, and are more resistant to diseases.
Nanobubble for Agriculture
How do nanobubbles assist in removing pollutants from water?

Nanobubbles assist in removing pollutants from water through enhanced oxidation and flotation processes. Their small size and large surface area increase the efficiency of chemical reactions, helping to break down and oxidise organic and inorganic contaminants. Additionally, nanobubbles can attach to pollutants, making it easier to separate them from the water through flotation.

Nanobubble for Wastewater

What are the energy savings associated with using nanobubbles?
Nanobubble technology can lead to significant energy savings, particularly in processes that require aeration or mixing. Due to their efficient gas transfer properties, nanobubbles can reduce the need for mechanical aeration, which is typically energy-intensive. This efficiency translates into lower energy consumption and operating costs.
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How does nanobubble technology compare to traditional aeration methods?
Nanobubble technology offers several advantages over traditional aeration methods, including higher oxygen transfer efficiency, longer bubble stability, and more uniform oxygen distribution. These benefits result in better process outcomes, reduced energy consumption, and lower operating costs. Nanobubbles also penetrate deeper into liquids, reaching areas that traditional aeration methods might miss. Find Out More Our Product
How do nanobubbles affect the efficiency of chemical reactions in industrial processes?

Nanobubbles improve the efficiency of chemical reactions by providing a larger surface area for gas-liquid interactions. This increased surface area facilitates faster and more complete reactions, reducing the amount of time and energy required for chemical processes. Nanobubbles can also enhance the effectiveness of catalysts, leading to higher yields and better process efficiency.

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What are the energy savings associated with using nanobubbles?

Nanobubbles assist in removing pollutants from water through enhanced oxidation and flotation processes. Their small size and large surface area increase the efficiency of chemical reactions, helping to break down and oxidise organic and inorganic contaminants. Additionally, nanobubbles can attach to pollutants, making it easier to separate them from the water through flotation.

Nanobubble for Wastewater